Bike & Boat Tour – Day 4

By Mark Evans, Tour Leader

Today we left Schwedt at 9am to ride to Mascherin, a shorter day for riding as we had to sail on to Schwerin.

The Merlijn sailing by us while we were biking

The ride was more adventurous as we had to detour off the normal route due to high water issues and maintenance. This resulted in lots of twists and turns–good thing we had a knowledgeable guide. Due to this detour we didn’t have a lot of sightseeing or stops, in order to stay on schedule. We stopped in Gatz for refreshments, a nice little village.

Ice cream shop in Gatz

We then got on the boat and sailed. As we entered Poland the Captain changed the flag to a Polish one and played the national anthem 🤠.

Sailing into the port in Szczecin (Stettin)

Due to the high water the boat will not fit under the bridges so the captain let us off in Szczecin. Then he had to turn back and find an alternative route to our docking station for the night, about a 2 hour trip for him. Meanwhile we explored the city and found a nice restaurant.

Ferris wheel in downtown Szczecin

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