Back by popular demand! TourMagination is hosting Round 3 of the virtual museum and archive tour. Tuesday evenings, 8 PM ET/7 PM CT/5 PM PT, from January 5 to February 2, 2021 archivists and executive directors from Anabaptist and Mennonite museums, archives, and heritage centres in the USA and Canada will show unique artifacts, photos, and documents as they share part of the Anabaptist story. Each 20-minute presentation is followed by Q & A. Post your questions in the chat and the presenter will answer them.
Week 1: The Great Trek: A Silk Road Pilgrimage. John E. Sharp, Historian and former Hesston College Professor.
Week 2: The Odyssey of an Organ, Immigrant Furniture and Travelling Exhibits. Andi Schmidt Andres, Director, Kauffman Museum (North Newton, KS).
Week 3: Perseverance & Joy: Early Anabaptist Treasures. Joe Springer, Curator, Mennonite Historical Library (Goshen, IN).
Q & A with Joe Springer:
Other Resources from the Perseverance & Joy Presentation:
Slides from the Perseverance & Joy Presentation
16th Century Treasures Featured in Mennonite Historical Library Presentation
Week 4: Exploring Questions from the Mennonite Past. John D. Thiesen, Archivist, Mennonite Library & Archives at Bethel College (North Newton, KS).
Week 5: Secrets from the Ukrainian KGB Archives. Dr. Aileen Friesen, Historian, Centre for the Transnational Mennonite Studies (Winnipeg, MB).
Week 6: The Cookie War: A Sweet and True Tale from the Mennonite Archives of Ontario. Laureen Harder Gissing, Archivist, Mennonite Heritage Archives (Waterloo, ON).
ROUND 1, The Anabaptist Story Lives On: Virtual Museum & Archive Tour
ROUND 2, The Anabaptist Story Lives On: Virtual Museum & Archive Tour
For an in-depth exploration of Anabaptist heritage, consider one of TourMagination’s heritage tours in Europe, Poland, Ukraine, or Romania. View upcoming Anabaptist heritage tours in 2021 and 2022 guided by expert tour leaders.
Local Heritage Tours. During the time of travel restrictions, we are offering local heritage tours that you can enjoy with family and friends while practicing safe distancing and following local safety guidelines. We have planned tours in Indiana, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kansas, Ontario, Manitoba, and British Columbia.