On to Mürren

The stunning view from our balcony in Mürren

We woke up in Zurich yesterday and went to sleep in Seventh Heaven.

After a healthy Swiss buffet breakfast – coffee-infused – we set out for the train station. There are wonderful tours out there that take you door-to-door in chartered buses, but this isn’t one of those tours. For our leaders, nothing beats finding your way on the public transit available to you in Europe, which is considerable. So from the Zurich Hauptbahnhof (HB) we set out on a schedule that saw us change trains about four times over four hours. At those stops we’d have a set amount of time to get our bags off one train, down a set of stairs, over to the next track, up the stairs, then find your reserved car, booked by TourMagination, that was set aside for us and get in before that train started off.

Does that sound stressful? It wasn’t at all! Instead, great fun. An exercise in on-the-move community building.

We ended up in Mürren, a car-free village perched on a 1200-foot rock cliff high in the Berner Oberland, with stunning views right in front of you. As I type this out there are hang-gliders floating by me who have already been in the air for 15 minutes or so. All a glorious sight to the eyes.

We spent the rest of the day walking about and sitting about as we didn’t need to go anywhere to get the best views. Just Google Mürren and you’ll see what I mean. Then supper at the highly-rated Hotel Bellevue before our return to the quaint cliff-perched Hotel Alpina.

As I type this there’s the excited chatter of tour participants as they finish off their breakfasts and get ready for the day ahead. And what’s on our schedule? Stay tuned!


– Len Friesen, Alpine Adventure Tour

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