The Jordan River and the Dead Sea
Marvin and Violet Miller, Susan and Ray Martin, Larry and Elaine Short model the Dead Sea mud treatment that is fashionable in these parts.

Marvin and Violet Miller, Susan and Ray Martin, Larry and Elaine Short model the Dead Sea mud treatment that is fashionable in these parts.

Monday was a day for getting wet! We started somberly and ended with hilarity. The baptismal site of Jesus next to the Jordan River was our morning. We walked in silent pilgrimage style on a path through the swamps and brush to get to the river, remembering the trials and suffering that followed Jesus’ baptism. We  remembered our own baptismal vows, and waded into the water.

Nearby we visited the desert site where, by tradition, Elijah was swept up in a whirlwind. We went a few kilometers out of our way to see ruins of a first-century hot bath spa where Herod the Great’s physician sent him as he was dying.

Then the fun of floating in the Dead Sea near our hotel, and trying out good local mud that is reputed to be good for the skin!

— Nelson Kraybill

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