European Family Heritage Adventure DAY 11

Schleitheim, Switzerland – we walked 2 miles into the woods to witness an Anabaptist marker stone. This is where the Anabaptists hid in the Randen Hills. We took a few moments to honor those that came before us through scripture reading, song & prayer.

We visited the museum in the village of Schleitheim. It has a separate section on Anabaptist history. There are ancient Bibles on display. A body from the 1st century was unearthed in the village & is on display.

In Lindau, Germany we walked through the old section of the city. We embarked on a 1.5-hour boat ride on Lake Constance. We welcomed the warm sunshine after several rainy days. On the boat we could see 3 countries: Austria, Switzerland, and Germany.


– Joyce Yoder

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