COVID-19 Information and FAQs

We are providing the information below to bring clarity for TourMagination travellers during the evolving COVID-19 pandemic. If your question is not answered, please contact us. We are here to help!


TourMagination’s Governing Body 

Like all other travel companies in Ontario, Canada, TourMagination is governed by the Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO)—which means we must follow laws that promote consumer protection. TICO posted some helpful information for consumers that you might want to read. According to TICO, “Under Ontario law, there is no requirement for a travel company to refund or offer alternative arrangements to customers if a government travel advisory is in effect. However, many travel companies are offering goodwill gestures to clients under these circumstances.” 

As outlined below, TourMagination is taking steps of goodwill to protect your health and provide you with travel.


What Happens if My Upcoming Tour is Postponed?

Our regular cancellation policy will not apply during the COVID-19 pandemic due to circumstances beyond our control including cancelled flights, border closures, and shut-downs of restaurants and hotels in the countries we planned to visit. These circumstances constitute an “irregularity” as referred to at the bottom of your invoice under “Responsibility.” Please read our clarified cancellation policy below for more details.* To protect your non-refundable investment in the tour you purchased, we plan to reschedule the tours in 2021 or 2022. We will do everything possible to provide you with a quality rescheduled tour!

What should I do about my flight if my tour is postponed?

Please contact the travel consultant who arranged your flight to request a cancellation. Your consultant can explain the conditions of refund and/or rescheduling.

When will the tours be rescheduled? 

We are waiting to see how this pandemic unfolds, and staying informed about WHO and government recommendations before rescheduling. We will reach out to you as soon as it seems safe to start re-planning the tours.

What if I decide to cancel my tour through my insurance company?

Please review your travel insurance policy and contact your insurance company to determine whether you are eligible for a refund. Also, if you decide to cancel your travel, please send us an email, once you are assured of your claim, and we will remove you from the list of people to be informed about the rescheduled tour.

Insurance Links

Please CONTACT US if you have any other questions. We are working hard to find a good path forward so we can continue to serve you to the best of our ability.


Clarification of TourMagination’s Cancellation Policy as of March 24, 2020

*If TourMagination is delayed or hindered in or prevented from the performance of any term, covenant or act required hereunder by reason of any event beyond the control of TourMagination (other than as a result of financial incapacity or financial inability of TourMagination, which, for greater certainty, shall not be considered an event beyond its control) and not caused by an act or omission of TourMagination, including, but not limited to:

(i) a lack or an inability to obtain materials, goods, equipment, services, utilities or labour;

(ii) any new statute, law or order-in-council or any regulation or order or amendment thereto passed or made pursuant thereto;

(iii) an inability to obtain any licence, permit, permission or authority from an entity; (iv) a strike, labour dispute, work stoppage, lockout, slow-down or other combined action of workers; (v) earthquake, flood, fire or other casualty;

(vi) an act of terrorism, civil commotion, war, invasion, embargo, insurrection, rebellion, sabotage, riot, violence, sabotage by other than a Party, malicious mischief by other than a Party, act of public enemy, or extortion;

(vii) any pandemic, epidemic, quarantine, public health emergency, outbreak or disease, as identified by any government health agency; and

(viii) an act of God, and which shall cause TourMagination to be unable to fulfill or to be delayed or restricted in the fulfillment of any obligation hereunder, TourMagination shall be relieved from the fulfillment of such term, covenant or act and the customer shall not be entitled to compensation for any inconvenience, nuisance, or discomfort thereby occasioned.

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