Audrey 2022

Audrey Voth Petkau

President of TourMagination

Audrey Voth Petkau was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba. After some years of study at college and university she married Terry Petkau and together they raised two sons. Audrey’s passion for education motivated her to serve in music and children’s programs and then later in education-related committees within the Manitoba Mennonite Brethren Conference. She has a strong interest in family history and has contributed Voth family artifacts to the Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies/Archives in Winnipeg. In 1999 her family moved to Waterloo, Ontario. Since joining TourMagination in 2002, Audrey has provided leadership and coordination for numerous tours each year. She loves to create community on tours and to make new friends around the world. Some of her favourite group travel experiences include witnessing tour members discover mutual relatives on heritage tours, marveling at the impressive and beautiful architecture in the Persian countries of the Middle East, close encounters with giraffes on safari in Tanzania, and walking among the penguins in Antarctica. Now as the President of TourMagination, she and her supportive, competent team plan to continue offering unique, excellent quality tours while introducing exciting new travel opportunities.

Anna Dickerson_ Profile Picture

Anna Dickerson

Tour Developer, Group Travel Specialist

Anna Dickerson grew up in a conservative Mennonite family, raised on a dairy farm in a small rural community in Ontario. Growing up on a farm with no TV, the majority of time was spent outside – playing bag tag in the straw mow, building pioneer homes, dressing up puppies as babies, and working on the farm. After high school, Anna worked as a server until the opportunity came to go on an 11-month mission trip to 11 countries. While travelling, Anna discovered a passion for immersing in other cultures – whether roasting coffee over a charcoal stove in Ethiopia, weaving through the crowded streets of Ho Chi Mihn city on the back of a motorbike to get Pho with Vietnamese friends, handing out Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes at a school in the mountains of Montenegro, or playing baseball on Sunday afternoons with Nicaraguan friends. After returning to Canada, Anna met and fell in love with her husband who she married in 2017, and developed a passion for coffee while working at an espresso bar in an office building. Anna still had an itch for travel and in 2018, she joined the TourMagination team. Anna’s organizational skills, experience in group travel, and love of international cultures have helped in her role as the tour developer as she makes all the logistical arrangements for successful tours. Anna was on track to reach her goal of 30 countries by age 30 until it was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Jacquelyn Morley

Marketing and Administrative Assistant

Jacquelyn Morley grew up in Waterloo, Ontario, and is a graduate of the Music program at the University of Waterloo (Conrad Grebel University College). Jacquelyn is grateful for the variety of travel experiences that have enriched her life so far: from encountering the rich histories and cultures of Europe, to mission-based adventures in Africa and Asia. Jacquelyn’s passion for beautiful, thoughtful communication in a digital age brought her on board the TourMagination team in 2021. She is passionate about crafting excellent client experiences, and strives to enrich others’ lives through travel, as it has enriched her own.

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Sandra Reimer

Communications Strategist

Sandra Reimer loves meeting new people and exploring new cultures. In high school, she went on a student exchange to a remote Inuit village in Labrador, Canada. As a young adult, Sandra travelled to Honduras. She returned many years later to bicycle across the country as part of an MCC learning tour. Sandra has also been to Europe—including on the TourMagination Sacred Spaces of Ireland tour. Her last international trip was to Kauai to visit her young adult daughter, who took a course there. When she’s not travelling, cycling, or playing board games, she writes and plans communication for non-profits and businesses trying to make the world a better place. Sandra studied community development at Wilfrid Laurier University and worked directly with people in poverty before shifting to helping charities and businesses tell their stories to multiply their work. She has been working with TourMagination on their marketing and communication since 2012. Though she is not Mennonite by birth, Sandra has found a home in the Mennonite Brethren church, and she appreciates her husband’s Russian Mennonite roots. Sandra and her husband Wes have two young adult children and a cat.