2024 Walking by Faith on the Camino

    Join a long history of pilgrimage as you complete the last 100 km of the ancient route to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. The Camino de Santiago, or the Way of St. James, is an ancient pilgrimage trail originating in medieval times. Made up of a vast network of roads and paths, pilgrims have travelled these roads for 12 centuries. On this eight-day trip, walk alongside like-minded travellers on a route filled with the beautiful countryside and rustic villages of Northern Spain. Receive a “compostela” when you reach your destination to prove your accomplishment. Refuel with tasty Spanish food and take the time to stop and smell the flowers on this moderately active, picturesque walking tour.

    2024 Walk to Freedom: Jordan Extension

    Before discovering the histories and cultures of Egypt, extend your journey with a stop to Jordan. Follow the route of Israelites all the way to Mount Nebo where Moses surveyed the land he could not enter. See Petra, the ancient Nabatean trading city carved in stone, and marvel at the astonishing desert landscape at Wadi Rum along the route of the Israelites. Celebrate the life of Ruth as we travel through her homeland of Moab, and hear the story of Balaam unexpectedly blessing the Israelites. Experience all this with a band of pilgrims who worship, eat, learn and travel together on a journey that will change how you read the Bible.

    2024 Walk to Freedom: Egypt Tour


    Visit magnificent ancient sites that reveal why Egypt was such a significant Middle Eastern power in the Bible. Central themes of this tour include: escape from slavery in Egypt, sojourn in the wilderness, and movement into the Promised Land. Hear stories of Abraham and Sarah, Joseph, Moses and Miriam, and the Israelites in the lands where biblical events happened. Relish a five-day leisurely cruise up the ancient Nile, visiting unforgettable temples and palaces. Learn how Hebrew prophets viewed Egypt, and why Jewish and early Christian communities flourished and sometimes suffered there. Taste the vibrance of modern Egypt on a tour of Cairo that includes visits to Coptic Christian and Islamic sections of Egypt’s capital. Experience all this with a band of pilgrims who worship, eat, learn, and travel together on a journey that will change how you read the Bible. On the optional pre-tour extension in Jordan, follow the route of Israelites all the way to Mount Nebo where Moses surveyed the land he could not enter. See Petra, the ancient Nabatean trading city carved in stone, and marvel at the astonishing desert landscape at Wadi Rum along the route of the Israelites. Celebrate the life of Ruth as we travel through her homeland of Moab, and hear the story of Balaam unexpectedly blessing the Israelites.

    2024 Bread for the Journey: Egypt


    Visit magnificent ancient sites that reveal why Egypt was such a significant Middle Eastern power in the Bible. Central themes of this tour include: escape from slavery in Egypt, sojourn in the wilderness, and movement into the Promised Land. Hear stories of Abraham and Sarah, Joseph, Moses and Miriam, and the Israelites in the lands where biblical events happened. Relish a five-day leisurely cruise up the ancient Nile, visiting unforgettable temples and palaces. Learn how Hebrew prophets viewed Egypt, and why Jewish and early Christian communities flourished and sometimes suffered there. Taste the vibrance of modern Egypt on a tour of Cairo that includes visits to Coptic Christian and Islamic sections of Egypt’s capital. Experience all this with a band of pilgrims who worship, eat, learn, and travel together on a journey that will change how you read the Bible. On the optional tour extension in Jordan, follow the route of Israelites all the way to Mount Nebo where Moses surveyed the land he could not enter. See Petra, the ancient Nabatean trading city carved in stone, and marvel at the astonishing desert landscape at Wadi Rum along the route of the Israelites. Celebrate the life of Ruth as we travel through her homeland of Moab, and hear the story of Balaam unexpectedly blessing the Israelites.

    2024 Bread for the Journey: Jordan Extension

    After discovering the histories and cultures of Egypt, continue your journey to Jordan. Follow the route of Israelites all the way to Mount Nebo where Moses surveyed the land he could not enter. See Petra, the ancient Nabatean trading city carved in stone, and marvel at the astonishing desert landscape at Wadi Rum along the route of the Israelites. Celebrate the life of Ruth as we travel through her homeland of Moab, and hear the story of Balaam unexpectedly blessing the Israelites. Experience all this with a band of pilgrims who worship, eat, learn and travel together on a journey that will change how you read the Bible.

    2025 Journey of Hope: Jordan, Israel, Palestine Biblical Tour

    Celebrate God’s faithfulness as you visit biblical sites with a worshiping band of pilgrims who seek the peacemaking way of Jesus. Follow the Israelites’ route to Canaan and see the fabulous ruins of Petra. Stand atop Mt. Nebo from which Moses viewed the land and descend to the Jordan where Joshua parted waters. Walk where John baptized and climb to the fortress where he died. Sing carols at Bethlehem, pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, go to the Upper Room, and share communion at a first-century garden tomb. Explore Nazareth where Jesus was raised, hear beatitudes on a hill next to Capernaum, and ascend to the heights of Masada. Renew your commitment to mission at Caesarea where Peter shared the gospel with a centurion. Nelson Kraybill will guide this journey with pastoral sensitivity and reflection on current justice issues.

Take a pilgrimage to the lands of the Bible—Israel/ Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Greece, and Turkey—with TourMagination.

Standing on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, imagining the movements of Jesus and his disciples during Passover, is a transforming experience.

Visiting many other sites mentioned in the Bible, makes Scripture leap off the page and take on three dimensions.
Tours that include Jordan shed new light on the life of Moses, Elijah, and other Old Testament figures. Our World of Paul tour retraces the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul.

A TourMagination distinctive is our open-minded approach to the complex land of Israel/Palestine—home to three world religions. Our tours often include interaction with Jews, Muslims, and Christians and/or visits to sites that are important to them.

TourMagination carefully monitors the current situation in the Middle East. We modify our itineraries to maintain safety.