TM tour update: European Anabaptist Heritage tour, Münster

This morning on the bus it was great to hear stories from various people’s homestay experiences. There were some good connections made! Being able to spend time on a personal level with local people allows you to really make a closer connection with a different culture.

Our drive from Berlikum in the Netherlands to Münster in Germany only took a few hours, and it was a good reminder to me of just how close together many European countries are! As a Canadian, I think of how long it takes me just to get to the next province over in my own country, and it feels a little ridiculous. The scales are totally different.

On our way to Münster,  John made sure we knew the necessary background for the Anabaptist story here. So on our walking tour of the city centre we were then able to connect the stories with the very places we were standing. We also had a knowledgeable local guide tell us more about the history of the city so that we were able to contextualize our story in the larger story of Münster.

Take a look at the photos for more about Münster’s history!

– Morgan Regehr

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Our local guide Bob telling us about the Münster Cathedral
Münster Cathedral
95% of Münster's city centre was destroyed in World War II. Although the outside of the Cathedral survived, the interior did not, and neither did the windows. Some of the windows now feature stained glass art in a modern style.
Damaged Cathedral window
This is the St Lambert's church, the centre of the activities of the violent Anabaptists who took over the city for 16 months, tarnishing the reputation of Anabaptists for centuries afterwards. On the church tower you can see three cages where the bodies of the Anabaptist leaders were hung as an example after execution.
St Lambert's church
The city has placed this small memorial in the cobblestones of the street nearby. As John says, they want to acknowledge the history, but they don't want to make too big a deal of it.
Memorial in cobblestones
John showed some of us a recent statue of Jan van Leiden, the young man who led the violent Anabaptist takeover in Münster.
Statue of Jan van Leiden

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