Tanzania Women’s Tour – Final day in Arusha

The Caring, Sharing, and Safari Tour for women in Tanzania has lived up to its name. We have spent 2 full days with the women of Arusha Mennonite Church along with Esther, another leader in the Church, from Dodoma who translated for us.

We have learned much in that short time and wish we had time to learn more from our new friends.

Some of us made connections with Church members who know others in our home areas. We’ve learned of ways we can pray for each other, we’ve had many laughs together and shared stories and email addresses.

We drove to a church plant in the rural area, and saw what they are teaching the children there, and their vision for the future.

Our hearts are full already.

Tomorrow we head to Monduli village.

Buying handicrafts in the church

Sewing: they hope to find a place to have sewing classes

Learning to dance to praise songs

Hugs between new friends

Donating our gifts

Lunch prepared by Newland Mennonite, a church planted by Arusha Mennonite, 2.5 hours away

Fish raising project

Greenhouse with many tomato plants

Our group plus new friends

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