Leave a Faithprint with TourMagination

Through travel, TourMagination has been connecting Mennonites and other Christians, primarily from North America, with people of faith around the world. For us traveling has always gone beyond tourism. Over the past 40+ years, we have worked hard to make each trip a meaningful, worshipful experience. On our tours we visit popular tourist sites but we also learn about the culture we are visiting and interact with the people.

As tour members hear from the people, their hearts are moved to pray and at times to take action. On one tour to Tanzania, a couple was touched when they heard about a skilled, passionate Tanzanian bishop in the Mennonite church who loved working with his people but couldn’t supply for his family through his work. This couple from Ohio took the need back to their prayer group and together they decided to financially and prayerfully support the bishop in his ministry.

These kinds of experiences leave a “faithprint” on the hearts of those who travel on our tours and on the people in the communities we visit.

To be even more intentional about fostering “faithprints” through our tours we will be highlighting charitable projects, volunteer service opportunities, and “wisdom exchanges” in which you may choose to participate if you wish.

Faithprint Project: On some tours we will designate a project that will benefit the country we visit that tour members, their families, and friends can donate toward. Sometimes that may mean giving items like used clothing, toys, or books. Other times we will be collecting financial donations through one of our charitable partners. Always, we will consider the true benefits of the project to the people we are trying to help. Projects will be developed in consultation with and directed by requests from recipients.

Faithprint Service: On other tours, we’ll live out our faith by serving the people we visit. For example, on some Holy Land tours we help to harvest olives at Nazareth Village. As with our giving projects, we will ensure that service opportunities actually benefit the people we are trying to help. Again, those receiving the assistance will be consulted and will shape the service projects. Wherever possible we will work alongside nationals.

Faithprint Wisdom Exchange: When people of faith share their hearts with one another understanding and compassion grow. For many of our tours, we’ll indicate activities that enable tour participants to interact with nationals to learn about each other’s cultures and faith.

Faithprint Tour Scholarship

At TourMagination we believe in the development of leaders in Mennonite and Anabaptist churches around the world. To that end, we give tour scholarships to church leaders who would otherwise not be able to access our tours. In the past, leaders have continued their education and enhanced their ministries by participating in European Heritage trips and visits to the Lands of the Bible including Israel/Palestine, Egypt, and Jordan. As pastors, missionaries, and other Christian workers learn first-hand on visits to these countries, they then are able to pass on their experiences and knowledge in their congregations, classrooms, families, and communities.

You can expand our capacity to offer these tour scholarships by donating to the TourMagination Leadership Development Fund. Though we cannot offer you a tax receipt, you can feel good knowing your gift will be multiplied in the lives of many.