2020 Belize Tour, Spanish Lookout

On our excursion to Spanish Lookout, we enjoyed ice cream at Western Dairy and went to the cooperative where almost anything can be purchased. We interacted with employees and enjoyed Spanish Lookout—where there is a settlement of Mennonites. To get to the Mayan temple site of Xunantunich, we had to use a hand-cranked ferry to cross the Mopan River. We had a great guide at Xunatunich, who explained the history of the site to us. The Howler monkeys in the area made these really crazy-sounding howls. We also went to a great gift shop with lathe-carved wooden bowls that were almost 3 feet wide with very thin walls. We have been birding every day. Highlights have been sighting a White Hawk, Keel-billed Toucan, and Red-crowned Parrots.

Belize Tour Group


Woman in a Belize Frame

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