India Tour 2017: Kolkata
Monday, October 16, 2017

Despite flight delays,  the group arrived in good spirits and are great tour members. We celebrated all birthdays and Ben and Erna’s 60th anniversary with treats we bought at a bakery the first meal we were together. It’s a good group of people who are adventuresome and also accepting of the realities of being “on the ground” in Kolkata. Today will be with MCC. Erma and Rosella say open air meat sections of the markets remind them of barns where their community does butchering! Our overall guide is excellent. He often does photo tours and knows how to spot and support stragglers and people who would like more information.

2017 India tour members in Kolkata. Photo by Al Doerksen.

Chickens on the streets of Kolkata, India. Photo: Al Doerksen.

Chickens on the streets of Kolkata, India. Photo: Al Doerksen.

Off to the bus!

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