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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I reserve a place on a tour?
A registration form and a deposit of $1,000 per person is required unless otherwise stated.
What is the final date for registering?
While every effort will be made to accommodate last-minute sign-ups, the dangers of waiting to register for a tour include:
  • The tour may be fully subscribed
  • Costs could increase if you sign up less than 90 days before a tour begins
  • You may not be able to stay at the same hotels as the rest of the group
  • It may be difficult or impossible to secure flights, particularly when visiting locations that have limited airline service
  • A tourist visa may be unattainable or at the least very expensive if expedited
All arrangements are subject to availability at time of booking.
What is the minimum number of participants for a tour to proceed?

It depends on the destination, but generally a tour will not proceed with fewer than 15 people.

What is the typical size of a TourMagination tour group?
Our tours usually range from 20 to 30 people.
Custom tour groups must have a minimum of 15 participants.
What do “Double Occupancy” and “Single Supplement” mean for my tour fare?
The price for a tour listed under “Double Occupancy” means the amount paid per person if you are sharing a room with another traveller, such as your spouse or a travel partner. If you prefer to have a single hotel room to yourself, the “Single Supplement” is an additional amount to cover the extra cost charged by the hotels for a single room. To determine your amount owing for the tour as a single traveller, you will need to add together the tour fare PLUS the single supplement. We are glad to pair you up with a roommate upon request. However, in the event that we do not find a roommate for you or your roommate cancels, you will be charged the single supplement fee.
What is the payment schedule for my tour?
A payment schedule will be provided upon registration. A deposit is due upon registration and final payment of the tour fare is due no later than four months prior to the tour start date.
How do I make a payment?
For your convenience, we accept online credit card payments. To make a credit card payment:
  1. Register for a tour
  2. At the bottom of the registration form, choose to pay your deposit in USD or CAD
  3. Submit your registration form
  4. Follow a link to pay on Flywire
  5. Choose to pay by credit card, bank transfer, PayPal and other options. All major credit cards accepted.
After paying your deposit, you will receive an invoice for the balance owing, including a link to make your next payment. Payment of the balance is due four months prior to tour departure.
Is your tour pricing guaranteed?
TourMagination makes every effort to maintain the prices as established. However, all prices are based on exchange rates, fuel rates, and land costs at the time of tour development. For this reason, pricing may be subject to increase prior to the time of final payment.

Where the increase in price is greater than 7% of the price of the applicable tour (except if the price increase is a result of increased government taxes), the affected client(s) may elect to cancel the applicable tour without incurring any penalty.
What is usually included in the tour price?

All transportation noted in the tour itinerary, expert tour leaders and/or storytellers, local guides, coach driver, accommodations, meals as specified in the tour itinerary, entrance fees for sites listed in the itinerary, and gratuities are usually included. Please see specific tour pricing pages for detailed lists of inclusions and exclusions.

What is usually NOT included in the tour price?
Airfares and any associated fees, tourist visa(s), travel insurance, most lunches, beverages, non-group transfers, and optional activities.
What documents do I require when I travel?
A valid passport is required for all international travel and must be valid for at least six months after the scheduled return of the tour. A tourist visa may also be required, depending on your destination. We will contact you when it’s time to start the visa process and provide the instructions you require. It is critical that you follow through as instructed in order to secure your visa. Without the proper visa, you will not be able to travel on the tour. Unfortunately, we cannot be responsible if travellers do not take the necessary steps to obtain a visa. Obtaining and carrying these documents is the traveller’s sole responsibility.
Will TourMagination keep my personal information confidential?
Any personal information we receive from you, such as health information, passport details, or contact information, will be kept confidential. We only share this information with appropriate suppliers when it is needed on your tour, or with your permission.
What do I do if my flight is cancelled or changed?
Be aware that flights are ALWAYS subject to schedule changes/aircraft changes as well as cancellations which are beyond their control. While the airline will do what is within their power to protect you, passengers should be proactive and protect themselves by purchasing travel insurance for these unexpected or unforeseen events. We also recommend that you download your airline’s app to receive live updates regarding your flight.

If your flight has been cancelled and your departure is outside of 24 hours and your ticket was purchased through a travel agent please call the agency help line for assistance. If you are already checked in for your flight and are under airport control, you must go directly to the airline’s desk in the airport for assistance.
What physical abilities are needed to participate on tour?
​While we want to include as many people as possible on our tours, some tours may not be well suited for people with physical limitations. To help you determine the suitability of a tour, please review the activity level rating for each tour.

TourMagination is not responsible in the event it is unable to accommodate the special needs of mobility-impaired passengers. TourMagination is not able to provide individual assistance to a tour participant for walking, getting on and off vehicles, or other personal needs.

If we are not notified at time of registration of any physical limitations, TourMagination reserves the right to cancel your booking if your special needs or disabilities are not suitable for the tour, pose a threat to the health and safety of other participants or tour leaders, are incompatible with other travellers, or if you are not travelling with a companion who provides all the assistance you require. TourMagination will not refund or cover any costs or expenses incurred for cancellation.

Not all sightseeing locations or transportation services are able to accommodate wheelchairs, and some locations and sightseeing activities require extensive standing, sitting, or walking—sometimes on unpaved or cobblestone streets. TourMagination will not refund or cover any cost or expense incurred for any missed activities due to a participant’s inability to fully participate with the group.
Do you accommodate dietary restrictions?
Dietary requests and preferences must be provided to TourMagination at the time of registration. We are then able to make note so that appropriate food will be available for the meals included in the tour. While much of this is out of our control, we will do all that is possible for you to maintain your specific diet requirements. We will do our best to accommodate your needs, however your vigilance is required.
What standard of hotel can I expect on tour?
TourMagination chooses quality accommodation to ensure good service, cleanliness, and comfort wherever we travel. In more remote areas, hotels may have slightly lower standards than in major centers. While we book 3-4-star hotels, rating expectations can vary depending on the country.

Accommodation in hotels is in standard rooms with twin beds or a double bed unless otherwise stated.
What if I need to cancel my tour?
If you decide to cancel your travel, you will be charged a cancellation fee of $300 per person, plus any cancellation fees charged by the supplier. A full refund will be made for the remaining amount for written cancellations received by TourMagination at least 121 days prior to the date on which you are to commence travel.

Passengers who cancel after 121 days before a tour, for any reason, will be charged 100% of the total tour fare.

All funds become 100% non-refundable if travel is cancelled due to fear of social or political unrest, or fear of a public health emergency, or fear of any other circumstances, if there are no government advisories prohibiting travel.
Passengers who cancel after 121 days before a tour, for any reason, will be charged 100% of the total tour fare.
All funds become 100% non-refundable if travel is cancelled due to fear of social or political unrest, or fear of a public health emergency, or fear of any other circumstances, if there are no government advisories prohibiting travel.
What happens if TourMagination cancels my tour? Updated March 23, 2020
If TourMagination cancels a tour, participants are fully refunded, except for the reasons outlined below.* If you should be on tour when such an action is required due to safety concerns, TourMagination will seek the services of the embassies in each country along with our land agents.

*If TourMagination is delayed or hindered in or prevented from the performance of any term, covenant or act required here under by reason of any event beyond the control of TourMagination (other than as a result of financial incapacity or financial inability of Tourmagination, which, for greater certainty, shall not be considered an event beyond its control) and not caused by an act or omission of TourMagination, including, but not limited to:
  1. a lack or an inability to obtain materials, goods,equipment, services, utilities or labour;
  2. any new statute, law or order-in-council or any regulation or order or amendment thereto passed or made pursuant thereto;
  3. an inability to obtain any licence, permit, permission or authority from an entity;
  4. a strike, labour dispute, work stoppage, lockout,slow-down or other combined action of workers;
  5. earthquake, flood, fire or other casualty;
  6. an act of terrorism, civil commotion, war, invasion,embargo, insurrection, rebellion, sabotage, riot, violence, sabotage by other than a Party, malicious mischief by other than a Party, act of public enemy, or extortion;
  7. any pandemic, epidemic, quarantine, public health emergency, outbreak or disease, as identified by any government health agency; and
  8. an act of God,and which shall cause TourMagination to be unable to fulfill or to be delayed or restricted in the fulfillment of any obligation hereunder, TourMagination shall be relieved from the fulfillment of such term, covenant or act and the customer shall not be entitled to compensation for any inconvenience,nuisance, or discomfort thereby occasioned.
Do I need trip cancellation, tour interruption, and emergency medical insurance?

TourMagination strongly recommends purchasing Trip Cancellation and Interruption and Emergency Medical Insurance. Insurance for Canadian travellers is available through Manulife Insurance and American travellers through CSA Travel Protection. You may contact our office by phone or email for an insurance quote and/or purchase. TourMagination’s cancellation policy applies even if you decide not to purchase travel insurance.

How do I know if it’s safe to travel to my destination?
The safety of tour members is of utmost importance to TourMagination. The situation globally is constantly changing. We monitor the political world situation on a regular basis in communication with our land agents as well as following “Travel Advisories.” We encourage our clients to register their travels with their respective governments before departure. If a destination is unsafe, TourMagination will either cancel the tour or revise the tour itinerary to ensure the safety of our travellers. If you are concerned about a particular destination, we recommend following our “Travel Requirements” button or reading your government’s travel advisories to find the latest updates on safety and travel requirements.
Can I know who my fellow group members are before the start of my tour?
Due to security and privacy issues, we cannot divulge that information right away. Additionally, the participant list changes regularly with new registrations and perhaps some cancellations. However, approximately 4 weeks before departure, we will invite the entire group to a Zoom meeting where you will have an opportunity to meet your fellow travellers and tour leader(s).
What is TourMagination’s Responsibility to our Travellers?
The listed tour programs are operated by TourMagination. As is common with other companies, TourMagination acts only as an agent for tour members in arranging room accommodations, transportation, sightseeing, admissions and restaurants. TourMagination reserves the right in its sole discretion to make changes to the itinerary and is not responsible for expenses, loss of time, money or other incidents resulting from a change of tour scheduling made for tour members.

TourMagination is not responsible for any losses or damages of personal property, injuries or unforeseen expenses incurred by any tour member.
Will the itinerary change after I have registered for a tour?
Reasonable changes in the itinerary of any tour may be made where deemed necessary or advisable for operational reasons by TourMagination, in its sole discretion. TourMagination will not be responsible for expenses or other incidents resulting from the tour change. TourMagination clients acknowledge the changing nature of travel and are responsible for keeping up to date on the details of their travel. If TourMagination makes a significant change (defined as a change affecting at least one in three full tour days of the itinerary, or which materially affects the character of the tour), TourMagination will inform the client(s) booked on the tour of any significant change as soon as possible.
What if the itinerary changes while the tour is in progress?
Once a tour has departed, TourMagination may make necessary changes to the itinerary due to unforeseen circumstances or for other reasons related to the safety or comfort of travellers. These changes will be made at the sole discretion of the TourMagination team. TourMagination will not be liable for any indirect and/or consequential losses associated with any changes to a tour’s itinerary.
How do I redeem my Tour Credit?

Tour Credits are not redeemable for cash. Tour Credits can be transferred to another tour of choice once without an administrative fee. Tour Credits for tours cancelled in 2020 due to COVID are valid for registration until December 31, 2024. Apply your travel credit to a new tour or independent cruise by filling out our registration form.