Top 10 Reasons to travel to Cuba with TourMagination
Hotel Nacional in Havana, Cuba. (Photo credit: Martin Abegglen/Flickr)

Hotel Nacional in Havana, Cuba. (Photo credit: Martin Abegglen/Flickr)

You could book your own trip to Cuba. Or you can explore this intriguing island nation with a TourMagination tour group.

Here are ten reasons to join the Fresh Perspectives on the History, Church, & People of Cuba tour, January 20-29, 2017 with Jack and Irene Suderman.

Reason #10 We Have hard-to-get flights already booked
As restrictions are eased for US citizens traveling to Cuba, flights are selling fast. We have flights booked for January 2017 when the temperature will be a pleasant 72 F (22 C) in Cuba.

Reason #9 We have space in excellent hotels
We also have space reserved in excellent hotels including the elegant and historic Hotel Nacional in Havana where famous people such as Winston Churchill, Frank Sinatra, Gary Cooper, Ava Gardner, and Marlon Brando have stayed. As interest has increased in Cuba, hotel rooms are in short supply—the Cubans just don’t have the infrastructure to support all of the potential visitors.

Reason #8 It’s more fun with friends
You’ll get to ride in an old fashioned car (possibly from your youth), visit the beach, shop, go to the Tropicana club for a cultural show, and other fun things that tourists usually do—with a group of old and new friends.

Reason #7 Our tour leaders can introduce you to the locals and the real Cuba
Our tour leaders Jack & Irene Suderman have been traveling to Cuba and connecting with the Cuban church for more than 30 years. They can introduce you to the country and its people in a way that’s not possible on your own.

Reason #6 Eat authentic Cuban food at a family restaurant
Jack & Irene will take you to dinner at a paladar (a local family owned restaurant) for tasty, authentic Cuban food.

Reason #5 You’ll get to worship with Cuban Christians
Because of Jack and Irene’s special relationship with the Cuban Council of Churches and government officials, our tour members are allowed to worship with a local Cuban church which would not be possible independently. After the service, mingle with your Cuban brothers and sisters over a home-made meal.

Reason #4 Hear about the positives & negatives of Cuba’s social experiment
You’ll get a different perspective on the 1959 Cuban Revolution. Listening with an open mind you’ll hear positives and negatives of the communist “social experiment” in Cuba.

Reason #3 Rethink the October Missile Crisis of 1962 
Hear the other side of the story on the October Missile Crisis of 1962—a conflict between the Soviet Union and the US, centered in Cuba, that almost led to nuclear war.

Reason #2 See Cuban Christians in action
On visits to the Martin Luther King Jr. Centre and the Centre for Reflection and Dialogue you’ll see what Cuban Christians are doing to positively impact their nation and Latin America more broadly.

Reason #1 Share the experience with a like-minded group
You get to tour with other open-hearted travelers—many of them Mennonites—who want to learn and grow as they travel.

See the full itinerary of our Fresh Perspectives on the History, Church, & People of Cuba tour, January 20-29, 2017 with Jack and Irene Suderman. (Double Occupancy $3,895 USD per person; Single Supplement $600 USD. Includes return flights from Toronto.)

If you want to explore, experience, and expand your world on a tour to Cuba, contact us today at or 1-800-565-0451.

Kind regards,

Audrey Voth Petkau

P.S. Book now to reserve your place on our Fresh Perspectives on the History, Church, & People of Cuba tour.

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