
We made the shift from Mürren to Grindelwald yesterday. These two villages are in adjacent valleys but to get from the other you take a train, a gondola, another train, and another train. By train I mean almost a play-train, quite charming, but even then it didn’t go as planned. At one transfer five of us made it off the train; fifteen did not. 😊

This might have been a good time for panic but it was mainly laughter you heard. We sorted it out, the fifteen came back 30 minutes later and we all travelled the last leg together. We’re now at the Kreuz & Post in Grindelwald, wonderfully situated and appointed. We checked our bags and went to the First (pronounced Feerst) gondola system. It was a 25-minute ride and offered up magnificent views of the Eiger and surrounding mountains. Some of us stayed around the station and took in those views. Others walked about an hour sort of uphill until we came to a strikingly beautiful alpine lake, the Bachalpsee. We sat around its edges, stared at the reflections of the mountains that surrounded us, and pondered our immense good fortune.

We then walked back to the First station and rode the 25-minute ride down to Grindelwald for our evening meal and a good night’s sleep. It rained during the night but otherwise, it was fine. Now, at nine in the morning, it’s clearing and the next two days promise very fine weather.

As I type this out two of our group are getting ready to hang-glide from First over the astonishingly beautiful Grindelwald valley. The rest of us head out shortly for events we’ll write about tomorrow.
It is good to be here. And an immense privilege.


– Len Friesen, Alpine Adventure Tour

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