Day 5 - The Anabaptist Europe Story

By - Jassmehar
23.12.24 12:38 PM

September 11th – 25th, 2024

by Richard Bergmann

There’s a key role on this tour that I have yet to introduce you to and that’s the driver. In our case it’s Evert and he’s a skilled veteran at navigating corners, tight streets and landing us within short walks of our destinations all without running over anyone. I’m told by fellow travellers that the bus driver’s skills can really impact one’s experience. I’m prone to nausea so my seat at the front allows me to observe Evert’s skilled craft.

Evert drops us off in Cologne and today on top of getting us around safely he and Ayold have to stand their ground against some aggressive tour operators who feel that the public drop off should be owned by their buses only. Ayold and Evert firmly defend our tour group and we are off for a city tour followed by free time to check out the Cologne Cathedral and historic district.

This impressive Cathedral was initially started in the 12th century and after checking out the golden shrine, which claims to hold the bones of the Magi that visited Jesus, I head for the tower for a city view. Little did I know that there were 533 steps to conquer but it was well worth the effort for some well needed exercise and incredible views on top of the Cathedral of the city.

The Rhine River valley is absolutely stunning and everything you have seen about picturesque castles, vineyards and medieval aged towns live up to that reputation. We enjoy a very relaxing one-way cruise between Boppard and Sankt Goar where Evert has gone ahead to pick us up. I have not been in this valley but make a mental note that I’m definitely going to come back at some point in the future as the views were spectacular.

It's time to learn about the Diet of Worms (an Imperial assembly) where Martin Luther defended his thesis against the emperor. A powerful story that really helped get the Reformation movement rolling no doubt, but I had forgotten that Martin Luther was no friend of the Anabaptist movement and of the Jews. Interesting to hear how the Reform church at that time would not tolerate the Anabaptist convictions.

It's getting late and Ayold takes us to enjoy Schnitzel topped off by a stop at an ice cream shop. Quite a scene to see all of us lined up like kids in a candy store ordering our ice cream.
