
Day 8 - The Anabaptist Europe Story

By Jassmehar

by Richard Bergmann

We are in the Emmental region which translated means valley of the Emme. The land here is stunning with the endless lush green cattle pastureland high on the hills that are met with pine forests at their edges. Early settlers would have carved this land out of completely forested ...

23.12.24 12:41 PM - Comment(s)

Day 7 - The Anabaptist Europe Story

By Jassmehar

by Richard Bergmann

We are officially Ayold’s favourite group as we depart a few minutes early and are now crossing into Switzerland to visit the Swiss Mennonite archives to visit one of the churches of the Sonnenberg Mennonite congregation near the town of Tavannes. On the way, Ayold feels that sing...

23.12.24 12:40 PM - Comment(s)

Day 6 - The Anabaptist Europe Story

By Jassmehar

by Richard Bergmann

I am learning that in group travel there are a few “rules” that are adhered to and if broken can affect everyone’s experience. 

Here are two rules:

  1. Punctuality: When Ayold says we meet or leave at a particular time, there is an understanding that you don’t want to be the last o...
23.12.24 12:39 PM - Comment(s)

Day 5 - The Anabaptist Europe Story

By Jassmehar

by Richard Bergmann

There’s a key role on this tour that I have yet to introduce you to and that’s the driver. In our case it’s Evert and he’s a skilled veteran at navigating corners, tight streets and landing us within short walks of our destinations all without running over anyone. I’m told by fell...

23.12.24 12:38 PM - Comment(s)

Day 4 - The Anabaptist Europe Story

By Jassmehar

by Richard Bergmann

After a good sleep and breakfast, it is time to head to the Berlikum Mennonite Church with our hosts where we are treated to a faspa and visit after the service.

Ayold asks us to all share about our experience with the host families from the previous night, so we take our turn and ...

23.12.24 12:37 PM - Comment(s)