Trump Travel Restrictions in Cuba Won’t Affect TourMagination Cuba Tour
On Wednesday, November 8 the Trump administration announced that it will be tightening travel restrictions in Cuba for American citizens.

Americans are still allowed to fly to Cuba under new rules issued by the US government, but they must avoid doing business with more than 80 hotels and several companies in Cuba. The banned hotels, stores, marinas, tourist companies, and other businesses are connected to Cuba’s military, intelligence or security services.

These developments do not affect the TourMagination Fresh Perspectives on the History, Church, & People of Cuba Tour, January 19-28, 2018. We will NOT be staying in any of the hotels nor doing business with any of the companies that are on the banned list.

Though the new rules go into effect Thursday, November 9, those who have already booked and paid for trips can maintain their transactions with businesses on the restricted list.

What do the State Department travel restrictions in Cuba mean for American travellers? Going forward American travellers will need to book a tour with authorized group tour operators rather than travelling on their own. These new rules may discourage some travel between the US and Cuba but diplomatic ties between the two countries remain.

Senior administrators said the new restrictions are meant to enhance the lives of regular Cuban citizens while diverting funds away from Cuban military and security services. There are debates as to whether US economic sanctions against Cuba have been helpful or not over the past 60 years.

TourMagination’s focus has always been to help North American travellers visit countries with open hearts and minds. We seek to build peace and understanding as we respectfully interact with local people.

On our Fresh Perspectives on the History, Church, & People tour, January 19-28, 2018 North American travellers will have rare opportunities to engage with Cuban citizens during visits to NGOs and a worship service at a local church. We’ll also reflect on the role of churches and non-governmental organizations in Cuban society during the Communist era. In addition, we will visit museums, markets, a sustainable farm, and Varadero beach.

On this special tour, you will catch a glimpse of the real Cuba and its people beyond the resorts and tourist attractions. It would be difficult to replicate this tour on your own.

READ MORE about how Americans can travel to Cuba with TourMagination.

  • 7 years ago, 10:58

    Some day I would like to take this tour. This year I am taking a bike to Cuba on Jan 10 to spend two weeks with my bike club friends. It is a secular group.
    At the end of our two weeks, I will donate my bikes to the Christian and Missionary Alliance and their microloans system.
    We always enjoy Cuba.

    • 7 years ago, 11:08

      Doreen, that sounds like a wonderful trip you have planned! We’d love to have you join us on a Cuba tour sometime in the future too.

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