Which Tour Style is Right for You?

European Heritage-RM-09492 schleiteim

Heritage Tours

TourMagination was founded to explore the roots of the Reformation and to help Mennonites and other Anabaptists (Amish, Hutterites, Brethren in Christ, and German Baptist Brethren) to rediscover their heritage. Our tours to Western Europe visit important historical Anabaptist sites such as Tauferhole in Switzerland—a cave where persecuted believers worshipped in secret. We also explore the migrations of the Anabaptist and Mennonite diaspora in Russia/Ukraine, Poland, Central Asia, South America, and Mexico. As tour members share reflections on past martyrdoms and migrations and meet Mennonites in other parts of the world, their own faith grows. With top-notch storytellers including Leonard Friesen and John Sharp, TourMagination offers the best Anabaptist and Mennonite Heritage Tours out of North America.


Holy Land - Chupp

Holy Land Tours

Take a pilgrimage to the lands of the Bible—Israel/ Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Greece, and Turkey—with TourMagination. Standing on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, imagining the movements of Jesus and his disciples during Passover, is a transforming experience. Visiting many other sites mentioned in the Bible, makes Scripture leap off the page and take on three dimensions. Tours that include Jordan shed new light on the life of Moses, Elijah, and other Old Testament figures. Our World of Paul tour retraces the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul. A TourMagination distinctive is our open-minded approach to the complex land of Israel/Palestine—home to three world religions. Our tours often include interaction with Jews, Muslims, and Christians and/or visits to sites that are important to them.


St. Petersburg, Russia

Cultural Learning Tours

Curious about the world? Go deeper than the average tourist as you learn about a new location with one of our expert storytellers. Our cultural adventures usually include interacting with locals, worshipping with local Mennonites or other Christians, and visiting non-profit organizations active in an area. Many of our storytellers are Christian academics or former Christian workers who lived in the countries. They share their deep knowledge to create an engaging and immersive experience.


Australian Koala

Natural Wonders

TourMagination visits select destinations including the Amazon Basin and Galapagos Islands, Iceland, Alaska, Antarctica, and Tanzania. Celebrate God’s creation with like-minded travelers. Enjoy adventuring in some of the most spectacular places on earth.


Cruise Salzburg, Germany


On a TourMagination ocean or river cruise you get the best of both worlds—the personal attention of smaller group travel plus the attractions and amenities of a large cruise line. While onboard a ship, TourMagination travelers often meet for worship and times of reflection, to play games, and to share meals. Tour members also enjoy excursions together at ports of call.


Unique Independent Experiences

For more than 50 years, TourMagination has been offering outstanding group tours that help you explore, experience, and expand your world. With the addition of Travel Specialist Cheryl Gilmore, we are also offering unique independent travel experiences. Drawing on her 25+ years in the travel industry, Cheryl curates tours that allow you to engage with locals and see the soul of the place you’re visiting. You can take these excursions on your own, or with family and friends in your “bubble”. READ MORE about Cheryl.


farmer and MEDA member

Custom Tours

Need help planning a custom tour for your family, friends, church, or school group? With our extensive network of contacts around the world, TourMagination takes care of the planning, so you can relax and enjoy every moment of your journey. Tours are tailored specifically to the needs of your group and customized to the type of travel and location. We can help you explore a topic of interest or plan an extra special anniversary, graduation, or birthday tour! We can provide you with an expert storyteller and/or a tour leader to coordinate logistics during the tour. Or you can enjoy the itinerary we plan on your own. We recommend the best places to stay, breathtaking sights to see and connect you with excellent in-country guides.

We are happy to connect you with our preferred agent for your flights or you can arrange your own air travel.

TourMagination specializes in church group travel, custom family/friend travel, as well as, custom tours for college, university, and high school groups. We have also planned tours for historical societies, non-profit organizations, and corporate teams. Whether you want to follow the Silk Road, visit the Taj Mahal, go on an African safari, or trace your family roots, TourMagination will create a custom tour that exceeds your expectations.

Some examples of custom tours TourMagination has created:

  • Pennsylvania-German Folklore Society to Europe
  • Family Heritage tour to Russia/Ukraine
  • Old German Baptist Brethren to Europe
  • MEDA (Colorado Chapter) to Paraguay, Bolivia & Peru
  • MEDA tour to Tajikistan
  • Eastern Mennonite University to Europe
  • Hesston College Choir tour to Europe
  • Missionaries & Mysteries of China Tour (Emmanuel Baptist Church group)
  • Amish Heritage Tour with no air travel (ship from North America to Europe, coach & train on the tour)
  • AMBS tour to Europe

Contact us today to arrange a custom tour for your group.