Last day in Switzerland

There are many travel companies out there and therefore lots of options to consider. But for us – and we know we’re biased – there is nothing like TourMagination for its ability to take you off the beaten track and within a small-scale caring community on the move.

That’s how this whole trip has felt, and never more than yesterday. At the start, there were some who already knew each other on the trip and others who had come alone or as a couple. But a week or so later and we were suddenly out and about yesterday in all sorts of new combinations. It was wonderful to see, and to hear the accounts at the end of each day.

In some ways, yesterday was a continuation of the day before, as we scattered off in groups in all directions in this alpine playground, though a few just stayed in and about this truly first-rate hotel: The Kreuz & Post. Did I mention TourMagination’s ability to put the traveller in the centre of the action?

It’s now the morning of our last day in Switzerland. We head to the rail station, a short walk away, in about 2 1/2 hours. Right now I’m sitting on a rooftop terrace in Grindelwald overlooking this alpine wonderland, though dominated by the north face of the Eiger. There is snow in the distant peaks, a large (but sadly receding) glacier right behind the Schreckhorn, and impossibly sloped alpine meadows from which the sound of sheep can be heard, each with their own bell. It is such a setting! You look over most of it and imagine what the first day of creation must have felt like. You look at your travel companions and count your great good fortune that you signed on to this tour. As with any tour I’ve ever heard of with TourMagination.

Life is good, and there is every reason to be grateful. I’ll write again from Germany, but am now signing off from this great good Switzerland portion of our trip.


– Len Friesen, Alpine Adventure tour

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